Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Take em' OFF!!!

Today is a GREAT day in our household. Sara got her braces OFF today and the transformation has been amazing to watch. In November 2005, she got braces on and was VERY self conscious about her smile. She hated to smile and was reluctant to show her teeth at all...

Wow, what a difference a year and a half makes... NOW she's ALL smiles and can't wait to show off her NEW smile!

Look at those BEAUTIFUL pearly whites! She is so excited and I am so proud of her! Lots of LOVE to ya princess!


Monday, June 04, 2007

Motorcycle Expo, June 2, 2007

So there was plenty of fun and amusement to be had this weekend. We attended the 2nd Annual Motorcycle Expo in Auburn, Ca this weekend. The weather was beautiful, a little toasty towards the latter part of the day but overall great. I went to represent and show some love for my girl Alicia's store, GoMoto. Although you can't see too much by the pic, GoMoto has a lot of GREAT apparel, helmets, etc. for women riders! She really has an impressive set-up! Her store is located at: 5739 Auburn Blvd., Sac., CA 916/339-3933. Stop by and see her crew, they will take care of you!

There were lots and lots of people and bikes there, although I hear not as many as last. However it seemed like a good weekend! Plush Racing and ChicRiders were there both representing their respective groups!

Alicia and Melody! Stacy is below (btw: Stacy where did you get your tank bag?)!

There were some stunt riders there as well, it always trips me out to see what these cats can do on their bikes. I still need to learn how to wheelie without looping! Think I'll just stick to straight line fun! ;)

Overall it was a great day and fun event! They even had a SUPER bike there... don't think I want to ride that bad boy! Could you imagine seeing that thing riding down the highway... LOL! It actually has a seat and steering wheel, that's how insanely huge it is! The specs on it said its top speed was 65 mph... HELLO!

I'm a big fan of Suzuki's and just couldn't resist taking a few shots of the girls bikes! Lookin' good girls, lookin good!

Such a beautiful bike... This is Stacy's 07' GSXR-750! GORGEOUS!

Here is Melody's GSXR, only I'm not sure what cc or what year... Melody fill in the blanks girl!

Through it all my daughter, was a trooper! Thanks for going princess!

That's all for now folks! PEACE!

Friday, June 01, 2007

So updates on me... Oh My….

What an amazing year (2006 to present)! Lots of change and tribulations were encountered in the past 16 months.

  • My daughter started High School (Yikes!)

  • I won my first ET race (FANTASTIC!!!) :)

  • I got custody of my daughter (DOUBLE FANTASTIC!!!) :)

  • We (me and my ex) sold my bike (this was VERY sad for me) :(

  • We had a fabulous Christmas and a mellow New Years

  • Me and my ex broke up and went out separate ways after 8.5 years (long story) :(

  • I had to sell my truck due to the split (this has been HUGE for me too) :(

  • Me and my daughter are persevering (or at least trying)

  • My daughter will officially be a HS Sophmore as of 6/7/07 @ 12:03pm

  • By the end of the month she will get her braces OFF, that is huge in her world!

It would be huge in mom’s too, if the payments stopped when the braces came off (fat chance). :) Oh well, her teeth look beautiful! :)

Summer is within eye sight and she has plans to go see her father for a few weeks in July, I’m torn. I want her to have a great summer but don’t want her to go to her fathers [long story]! Bygones…

I started playing volleyball again, which has been so much fun and good exercise. Heck, the first night I played I could barely walk for the next two days. I could take that as a sign that I am getting older, however I prefer to think of it as “wow, I really played hard”…

Mother’s Day was nice, me and my daughter spent the day together (as most days) and went to play some vball at our local park. It was a good day, low key and fun! This Mother's Day was a big change from last year, as I was racing Mother's Day last year! That was great too!

I’ve also learned how important forgiveness is and how few friends I really have. That’s a sad realization. I have a hand-full of friends that I can always talk to or count on, but then I have found I have far more wayward friends who talk to you when its convenient for them. WHATEVER!

I’m taking one day at a time and living moment to moment right now. I’m trying to stay involved in the bike world, because when I get my next bike I’d like to have a network of people to ride/race with and for parts, accessories, etc. Not to mention, they are all around fun and good people!

I’m working very hard to better our lives and eventually buy my own home. This is a very slow process, as it is for most, just seems particularly slow for us. Although, I’ve never been good at the whole patience thing, but MUCH better then some. I am working hard at it! Overall, the past 16 months have been filled with many many celebratory moments and many moments of shear heartbreak. I'm learning how to be better person, to do what's right and not always what's easy. I'm learning who I am again and trying my darndest to establish my independence (seems to be a big thing for me, must be something lacking from my childhood... LOL!!!) All the while trying to be a good parent and provide the basics as well as the occassional luxury (this is MUCH harder to come by these days). It would be SO much easier if I could just win the lottery...

That’s all for now! Keep the rubber side down (at least for awhile) and be safe out there!