Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reflection and Appreciation!

These are both great things and its important to take time out sometimes to do both and be humble about it in the process. This last weekend (June 7th) was great on many levels. I had the chance to help Joey and get to know some of our fellow racers a little better. I was pleasantly surprised with an opportunity to potentially test on Katie Sullivan's bike for North-South Dragbike Challenge. Big thanks to the Sullivan family for the offer. In addition, I got to know Roxanne Webber (yet another girl who rocks on a dragbike - pictured at the bottom), her set-up is a little different then what Katie or I have been on but rocks it none the less. Eddy asked me to take care of the race for him (Nitro Night of Fire), since he couldn't be there and I was more then happy to do that. It really was the least I could do for the Palmer's considering all the opportunity they have given me. I have to say I was a little nervous that I was gonna forget something or someone was going to be unhappy, but overall it worked out well and the day was fun! Sara even had an opportunity to work at the track and even made a little money!


Nitro Night of Fire typically means a tons of people and a ton of cars. Joey had an opportunity to get in the show and compete for the $1,000 prize money. When we got to the track there were hardly any cars but most of our class (short of 2) were there. The track delayed things as much and as frequently as possible due to the low number of racers. We started time trials around 11:30am (mind you we were there by 8:30am)... We got to know Big Rob's son (Russell) and boy let me tell you this kid is a natural born racer. NO JOKE! He has a great attitude and really enjoys the sport. Big Rob has done a great job raising him!

Joey's first pass of the day was yet another "best". He ran a 9.26 @ 153mph. WooHOO! What's important to remember about that pass is he was running pump gas. Which means that there is a teen in that bike, he just has to find it.

Joey and Russ challenged each other ALL day short of actual eliminations. I think they both had a great time! Russ was really trying for his first 8 second pass and got close enough to ache for it, running a 9.05. As with any pair of racers that know how to have fun with it and be competitive, Joey and Russ pushed each other!

Joey paired against Charlie Sullivan first round and Charlie pulled out the win on that run. The great part about these races is if you go out you can still make time runs (all day). So that's just what the guys did. Mona qualified with two red-lights on the first two runs, then we got another qualifing pass and she ended up qualifing #1 (winning herself $100 for #1 qualifier). I am super excited to see Katie make it to finals (after being off for awhile from a knee injury) against Mark Riessling, she was running low 9's all day and Mark was running 7.30's all day (with two red-lights)! They put on a great show at the end of the day! Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to test but for a real great reason... Katie was in the finals!

for taking home the win and $1,000 purse!
As slow as the day started at the end of the day, there were tons of spectators enjoying a night of GREAT racing!

We are very excited for this weekend - racing ALL weekend! With Test-N-Tune (Friday night and Saturday day), Grudge Fest (Saturday night) and then... North-South Dragbike Challenge on Sunday.


Don't miss it, it will be an event to remember!

Looking back over the past several months and the weekend, I have learned a lot about myself, the person I love and miss, I continue to learn and move forward daily and I appreciate the people in my life! Thank you and I love you!

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