Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reality Check

Reality has hit home HARD lately and I am officially scared about our future. Unfortunately, all I can do is wait and have faith that it will all work. They say everything happens for a reason and I have to believe things will work out.

I took some time out to honestly just escape from everything, all my worries and stresses. Just some time with nature and of course I brought the camera. I figured I'd take my chances and try to remember how to get to River Road, which for those of you who really know me... know I am terrible with directions (seriously). So I was very proud of myself when I was able to make it all the way to my destination without getting lost!

I drove for awhile and finally picked a place to pull over and just take in all the scenary. It just so happens the spot I pulled over had a little surprise. As I was snapping random shots, I looked over and saw a large "J" carved into the bark of a tree. It was an unexpected surprise to end up at a spot with a "J" carved into the bark of a tree considering a friend of mines name starts with that letter. Funny.

I was even able to find my way home, which is an event in itself for me. I get lost going everywhere! It was a nice escape now back to reality...

1 comment:

Meagan said...

GREAT PICTURES DARLIN! That sounds like a nice get away.

Everything is going to work out just fine. HUGS!