Friday, May 12, 2006

Happy Mother's Day (to me)...

I am blessed and if I don't say so myself, so is my husband.

We were lovingly discussing Mother's Day yesterday (Thursday) and he asks "so what do you want for mommys day?". I smiled BIG because I had been waiting for the question. You see... we have a race in our area tomorrow and I've been wanting to race in it, but as previously posted finances are not conducive to that activity right now. So when he asked I already knew what I wanted. When I told him I wanted to race, he smiled and said "do you have any money?"... to which I replied "no, that's what I want for Mothers Day... that is my gift. You pay my way to race on Saturday"... He smiled again, chuckled and said "Ok". So hopefully, he was serious and I'll get to race Saturday and still spend a WONDERFUL day with my family on Sunday!

But seriously how many women ask to RACE as their Mother's Day gifts? Most women want flowers, candy or jewlry EVEN on Mommys Day. But not me, all I want to do is RACE!


Kristie said...

Here's to your race on Saturday. Hope you have great times.

I noticed that we both check out Conor and Gen's blog... kinda funny. I saw a post of yours on their blog.

They are pretty amazing. Week 32 is coming up... Very cool

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!