Monday, May 15, 2006

NMRA Winter Challenge / 5.13.06

What an amazing weekend! Aside from getting the best Mother's Day present, it was just an good weekend. Although we received some weird information about some friends of ours, it was overall good. My husband stayed true to his comment of letting me race on Saturday, which I am absolutely elated about. Not just because I got to race, but due to many reasons. 1) It was my first NMRA race, 2) our starter was KAREN STOFFER (she got her start in drag racing through NMRA), 3) it was my mommy's day present, 4) I got a GREAT 60' time (for me) and last but not least I just LOVE racing.

First, let me say Karen is wonderful. Not only did she tough it out at the races with us (it was warm outside), she also worked the tree for us. She is such a great person and an equally great racer! It was wonderful to be able to share our day of racing with her. Thanks Karen for everything!

The temperature was around 93 degrees, so the air was not very good.

Now down to some #'s:
.297 reaction, 2.094 60' = 11.64 ET @ 124.1 mph (this run was on a 4/10th - Pro tree)
-.824 reaction, 1.957 60' = 11.00 ET @ 128.7 mph (RED LIGHT, this time they changed the light to a 5/10th tree - THANKS)
.018 reaction, 2.046 60' = 11.79 ET @ 114.2 mph (GREAT LIGHT, too bad I hit the rev limiter too many times)
.136 reaction, 1.770 60' = 10.88 ET @ 127.9 mph (FANTASTIC RUN, my best 60' time EVER) - Back in the 10s WOOHOO
-.031 reaction, 1.954 60' = 11.34 ET @ 127.3 mph (Not bad, too bad I was just a tad quicker then the light!)

That does it for qualifing, now it's time to average out and DIAL a time. 11.00 sounds about right!
.249 reaction, 2.003 60' = 11.44 ET @ 124.5 mph (Overall, not a bad run despite the fact that I hit the rev limiter twice) I LOST... boohoo

Time ONLY run
-.670 reaction, 2.229 60' = 11.69 et @ 125.2 mph (We asked for a 5/10th tree and got a 4/10th tree...)
By the time we got to this time of day I was lucky to be standing. I was exhausted from the heat and battling a massive headache. So I'm not too disheartened with this run, but know I could have done better.


What a great weekend. We had a GREAT time and my hubby said a few of my runs actually got Karen's attention. Plus I got my BEST 60' time ever and back in the 10s. I'm stoked! What a fantastic Mother's Day gift!

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